Theater Reviews
Everything is Super Great
Although his older brother went missing months ago, 19-year-old computer wiz Tommy (Will Sarratt, high-strung and sympathetic) still sends him video messages—in between fighting with his anxious mom, Anne (a heartbreaking Marcia DeBonis), and flirting unsuccessfully with his Starbucks coworker Alice (Lisa Jill Anderson, deliciously deadpan). - Time Out New York (Critics Pick)
“Will Sarratt is terrific as the quirky, socially awkward, and generally dysfunctional Tommy, who is nonetheless quite intelligent and compassionate.” - A Seat On The Aisle
Omega Kids
Will Sarratt was phenomenal as the guest whose passions can’t stay contained as he floods the living room with borrowed narratives to tell his personal stories. He was deliciously innocent, self-effacing and funny [...] He played Michael’s inability to allow connection with such earnestness that it was deliciously painful to watch. The two actors have the most exceptional chemistry on stage. They vibrate in each others’ company [...] creating each moment together with shared commitment." - New York Theater Guide
"[...]the sense of privacy and generous attention is palpable, with both actors but especially the so-present and disarmingly and charmingly tuned-in Will Sarratt." - Plays to See
"Sarratt and Gonzalez [...] create almost a dance in the way they get close to each other and break apart, building sexual tension [...] Sarratt perfectly captures Michael's excitement at talking about his favorite comic." - Theater Is Easy
"...there’s a gnarled edge and an achy awkwardness to the budding friendship-or-more. Sarratt’s turn is especially vivid as he squeezes out his feelings with a shy stare (and a slyly moving foot)." - Blogcritics
"Fernando Gonzalez and Will Sarratt were extraordinary [...] Sarratt took on the shy kid who comes to life when the conversation revolves around a comic book. The exploration of comfort was a joy to watch [...] Sarratt’s Michael ran the gamut of feelings impeccably." - Theater in the Now
The Tempest
"Eastman is scene-stealingly hilarious, so is Will Sarratt as Trinculo, Stephano's drinking buddy."- Brooklyn Eagle
The central comic trio of Stephano, Trinculo and Caliban are some of the most fun you can currently have in an NYC park after dark. Their bawdy songs, drunken revelry and ineffectual plotting quickly move sublimely from the ridiculous to the even more ridiculous" - On Stage Blog