From January-August 2014, Will wrote, co produced, and acted in an original webseries/descent into madness called Go Film Yourself. The first three episodes covered the white hot race to the Oscars and all the magical twists, turns, and twists along the way. There was laughter, deep crying, hard hitting film journalism, and the death of a friendship. Go Film Yourself was directed and co-produced by Sean Geraghty and also stars Sam Garber as Louis. The show can also be found on its original homepage at Funny or Die (
After the first season, funds were gathered to shoot a second season that would explore the aftermath of the emotional terrorism that was Oscar Edition. Also summer movies are fun. A short, scathing documentary was made exploring our co-hosts' lives as they searched for inner peace and a road back to each other.
The fundraising was a rousing success. I one made any money off of this (how would you even do that?), but no one lost any money this time around, so that was nice. The theater was rented out, equipment purchased, and the show was back on the road. With bitterness and spite lodged deep in their hearts, Go Film Yourself's hosts were back to review the summers blockbustiest films. Featured reviews include Boyhood, X Men, what it was like to grow up as a freak boy, Snowpiercer, Do The Right Thing, cults/performance groups, Life Itself, and hallucinating. Go Film Yourself Blockbuster Edition was directed by Sean Geraghty and features Glen Feinstein, Natalie Walker, and Brennan Pickman Thoon as the members of MILK and Sam Garber as Louis.